读英文报 -“大枫叶”金币

读英文报 -“大枫叶”金币


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from USA Today March 29,2017

Spectacular theft of $4M gold coin could end in meltdown

4百万美金金币被盗, 令人叹为观止。 可能会被融化

Berlin police say thieves broke into the German capital's Bode Museum and made off with a massive 221-pound gold coin, called 'Big Maple Leaf,' worth millions. USA TODAY

柏林警方说小偷们闯进德国首都的Bode博物馆, 偷走了一个重达221磅的称为“大枫叶”,价值百万的金币 。 USA Today报道

The Canadian coin, known as "Big Maple Leaf," has a diameter of more than 20 inches and is more than an inch thick — it would make a great coffee table. It has a face value of $1 million, but the value of the gold is closer to $4.5 million.

这个加拿大硬币, ‘大枫叶’,直径超过20英寸, 超过一英寸厚,可以是个很好的咖啡桌 。 它的面值100万美金, 但金子价格已经将近450万美金。 

注明:加拿大皇家造币厂一共铸造了5枚大枫叶。 听造币厂的讲解人员说,大枫叶被中东买家买去了几个, 真的就是被当成咖啡桌用。 所以新闻里会有这么一句。 

"My bet is that it has already been melted down," Douglas Mudd, curator for the American Numismatic Association, told USA TODAY. "To go through all this trouble, you have to have a plan unless you are a total idiot.”

”我猜它已经被熔掉了“ 美国货币协会的会长Douglas Mudd告诉USA Today, “费了这么大的功夫, 除非是个大傻瓜, 否则肯定已经有了计划’

An official at the Bode Museum discovered the theft early Monday, and on Tuesday Berlin police revealed the sordid details. The thieves used a ladder to access a window, smashed it and broke into a bullet-proof glass case. The ladder was found on nearby railroad tracks, and police said the bandits apparently made off with the coin in a wheelbarrow, rolling it along the tracks and then lowering it on a rope to a park before fleeing by car into the Berlin night.

Bode 博物馆的一名官员周一早发现失窃, 周二柏林警方公布了详情。 窃贼们从梯子上爬到窗边, 打碎窗子然后打碎了防弹玻璃柜子。在附近的火车轨道边发现了梯子, 警察说强盗们用三轮车推走了硬币, 顺着火车轨道推走,然后用绳子将硬币下降到一个公园里, 最后开车潜入柏林的夜晚。 

The coin, if it remains a coin, features a portrait of Queen Elizabeth II on the front and three maple leaves on the back. It was issued by the Royal Canadian Mint a decade ago. It's been on loan to the Bode from a private collection since 2010, museum officials said.

这枚硬币, 如果还是硬币的话, 正面是伊丽莎白二世的画像, 反面是三个枫叶。 数十年前由加拿大皇家造币厂制造。 博物馆官员说, 硬币从2010年由私人藏家借给Bode展览。 

The melting temperature of gold is almost 2,000 degrees Fahrenheit, but Mudd said the gold could be melted down with any small industrial melting equipment. One-ounce bars are easy to sell, he said.

金子的融化温度是将近2000度(华氏),但是Mudd说任何一个小的工业融化机器能将金子融掉。 一盎司的金条会很容易卖。 他说。

The Bode, residing on Berlin's Museum Island since 1904, is best known for its collection of sculptures and its "coin cabinet." The museum holds more than 500,000 coins, "ranging from the dawn of minting in Asia Minor in the 7th century BC to its collections of coins and medals from the 21st century.”

Bode, 从1904年开始就在柏林博物馆岛上, 因它的雕塑收藏和’硬币柜’而闻名。 博物馆有超过50万枚硬币, 从公元前7世纪小亚细亚地区最早的币到21世纪的硬币及奖牌。 

"We are shocked that the burglars have overcome our security systems, which have been successfully protecting our objects for many years," museum director Michael Eissenhauer said in a statement. "The perpetrators have done a great deal of violence, and we are glad that no personal injury has occurred.”

‘我们很震惊强盗们攻破了我们的安保系统, 这个安保系统已经成功保护我们的展品多年了“, 博物馆长Michael Eissenhauer在一个声明中说。’作案者用了很暴力的手段, 我们很高兴没有人员的伤害”

