


What are they doing? 他们在干嘛?

They are playing video game. 他们在玩电子游戏。

When is it convenient for you? 你什么时候比较方便?
Friday afternoon is fine. 星期五下午可以。

Do you have a pet? 你有宠物吗?
My dog’s name is Coco and I also have a fish named Sally. 我的狗名字叫Coco,我还有一条鱼叫Sally。

Get me a chair, please. 请给我一把椅子。
Would you like one with a cushion? 你想要带靠垫的吗?

Why were you absent yesterday? 你昨天为什么缺席?
I was sick yesterday ,so I stayed home. 我昨天生病了,所以呆在家。

You can do it,can’t you? 你可以做到,不是吗?
It will be difficult but I will try. 很难但我会尽力。

Can I help you? 你好,我能帮你吗?
No thanks,I’m just browsing. 不用了,谢谢。我只是随便看看。

He was absent yesterday.Do you know why? 昨天他没到,你知道为什么吗?
I suppose he was sick. 我猜他大概是病了。

Shall we go to the cinema? 我们去看电影好吗?
Sorry, I’m engaged. 对不起,我有约在先了。

What a nice tie you are wearing! 你的领带真漂亮!
Thank you. Your dress looks good on you too. 谢谢,你的穿搭也很好看。

  • 1309399ogny

    1.What are they doing? They are playing video game.

  • 1309399ogny

    7.Can I help you? No,thanks.I'm just browsing. 9.Shall we go to the cinema? Sorry.I'm engaged. 10.What a nice tie you are wearing! Thank you. Your dress looks good on you, too.

    HZ樊樊 回复 @1309399ogny: He was absent yesterday.

  • 1309399ogny

    3.Do you have a pet? My dog's name is Coco and I also have a fish named Sally. 5.Why were you absent yesterday? I was sick yesterday so I stayed home.

  • 琉璃1891

    7.Can I help you? No,thanks.I'm just ... 8.He was upset yesterday.Do you know why? I suppose he was sick. 9.Shall we go to the cinema? Sorry.I'm in ... 10.What a nice tire you are wearing? Thank you.Your dress looks good on you too.

    13612531hyo 回复 @琉璃1891: 不是tire,是tie

  • tubur


  • 花默声

    I was sick yesterday so I stayed at home .

  • 99向日葵


  • HZ樊樊

    He was absent yesterday.

  • 琉璃1891

    1.What are they doing? They are playing video again. 2.When is it convenient for you? Friday afternoon is fine.

  • 琉璃1891

    3.Do you have a pet? My dog is named Coco and I also have a fish named Sally. 4.Get me a chair,please. Would you like one with a cushion? 5.Why were you absent yesterday? I was sick yesterday so I stsyed home. 6.You can do it,can't you? It will be difficult but I will try.