Alex Angry April First

Alex Angry April First


Early in the morning, Little Anger was awakened by Anger Mom. 


“ Come on, mommy! I’m still dreaming!” Little Anger didn’t want to get up, wrapping himself tightly with his warm blanket. 


“Get up! Come on! Do you know what date it is today? It’s April Fool’s Day! ” said Anger Mom. She was so thrilled.


“So what? We Anger monsters have nothing to do with it, because we are not human beings!” Little Anger complained. 


“No, no, no! Today is a good day for us to have a great meal.” Anger Mom reminded Little Anger and said, “We can be stronger by absorbing human’s anger. On this day, they always tease others, but they cannot realize that they may hurt others sometimes. That can turn a little joke into a huge problem! So, the anger will be everywhere! ”


“ Anyway, my little baby! Get up right now! Go and walk around the primary school campus. You can get the anger energy from hundreds and thousands of annoying kids! When you are full, you can grow taller and stronger, then your power to attack people will be one hundred times greater than now!”


Hearing mommy’s words, Little Anger could not wait to run into the Taipa Primary School. There, he observed children carefully and wanted to seize every potential opportunity to have a hearty meal.


“Bang!” Little Anger heard a loud noise. He saw a boy named Mimi who was just about to sit down but fell down on the ground because one naughty classmate pushed his chair away. Mimi burst into tears, hurt and painful. At that time, Little Anger was very delighted and excitedly flew to Mimi as fast as he could. Opening his mouth, Little  Anger got ready to absorb the anger energy from Mimi. However, to everyone’s surprise, the crying Mimi just walked to that naughty classmate rather than losing his temper. “It really hurts! I don’t like it and the joke is not funny! I don’t want you to play this kind of trick on me again!” said Mimi. Saying so, his best friend came and hugged him, then helped to lift the chair. Meanwhile, Mimi decided to do something fun to cheer himself up. He ran to the playground and jumped rope with his friends. One, two, three, four… Mimi became more and more cheerful as the color returned to his face with every burst of laughter. 


“Oh no! What’s wrong? Why didn’t this boy get angry and fight with that guy? Oh! Where can I find anger energy for my breakfast?” said Little Anger. He was upset and turned away in disappointment. He tried to find his next target although he was very hungry now.


“OH! ”screams came from the second floor. With great joy, Little Anger rushed towards there. He believed that someone must be angry this time. It was naughty Xiaojie who threw a toy cockroach onto Minmin. Minmin was terrified by the toy and trembled for a while. She did not get so annoyed until she found out it was Xiaojie’s trick. She lifted her arm towards Xiaojie and wanted to get revenge. Little Anger was extremely excited now and opened his mouth wider and wider, swooping down to Minmin and preparing to absorb the anger energy. Unexpectedly, Xiaojie apologized to Minmin and said, “I am so sorry! I was just kidding, and I didn’t mean to scare you. Forgive me please! I won’t do it again!” After hearing Xiaojie’s words, Minmin calmed down and put down her arms. She pouted and said, “Please don’t make others scared again! What if I were scared to death? It is really bad, isn’t it? If you do it again, I’m going to have to tell our teacher and you may be punished.” 


“So unbelievable! What happened? Why did this girl not even lose her temper and fight with that boy? Why did this boy choose to apologize?” Little Anger murmured. He was very hungry now and left disappointedly.


“Ding, ding, ding!” the bell rang. Little Anger heard the conversations between the teacher and students when he was looking around anxiously.


“ Everybody! Attention, please! I have some bad news for you. It is a pity that the facilities in the kitchen are out of order today, so, we cannot offer you lunch. All students registered can only share lunch with those who have brought lunch themselves.”


“Yeah!” Little Anger laughed out loudly, “This is definitely the best news for me! Those kids must be angry. Nobody would like to share their own lunch with others! I must have a big meal this time!”


“Yeah!” All the kids were more than happy and laughed. This was really good news!

“I don’t like the lunch at school, because there are too many greens! I finally don't have to eat them today!”


“ I am tired of the lunch prepared by my family! You can eat it all!”


“Perfect! Can I have yours? I have 10 Mop, and you can use it to buy a sandwich.”


Although kids were talking very actively, to our surprise, no one got angry at all. Little Anger could not help opening up his mouth because he was so astonished. He was too angry to keep calm and almost fainted with anger.


Those kids walked into the canteen in line. Seeing there was the lunch and an extra cake for everyone, they checked their joy without any words. 


“ Happy April Fool’s Day!” said the teacher. Kids were grinning from ear to ear and sharing the wonderful April Fool’s Day’s meal with each other.


“What an annoying April Fool’s Day! That’s frustrating!” said Little Anger. He ran back home with his empty stomach.  

