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Learning to Dance | 学习跳舞
Everyone had to perform a dance. It was for the performance next Friday. The performance was called Dance for Arthritis. It was to raise money. Each ticket was five dollars. The money would be donated to help treat arthritis.
Joey wanted to help. He did not know how to dance though.He was afraid of embarrassing himself. He decided to watch videos. He tried to teach himself. He could not do it. He finally decided to ask his friend. His friend was an expert on dancing.He taught him different dance moves. After they practiced, Joey was ready. He was excited to help the cause.
perform [pə'fɔːm] 表演
arthritis [ɑː'θraɪtɪs] 风湿,关节炎
donate [də(ʊ)'neɪt] 捐;捐赠;捐献
though [ðəʊ] 虽然;尽管
embarrass [ɪm'bærəs] 不好意思
expert ['ekspɜːt] 专家;行家
excite [ɪk'saɪt] 兴奋