The only way I could do that was if you wanted me too I could come and pick it out and then I can go pick up it from your place or you could just pick me out of there or you could pick me out from the store or you can just come pick me out or you could go to my house or you can pick me out if great
小Kuromi 回复 @小Kuromi: I’m just trying my luck with this and it looks good to you too and you have the best luck in the world I’m sure you guys have the same thing going for us too so we are going for sure we are just going for the best way we will be there for each and everyone of you are the same as us I know we have 🙃
经理叫我去上班吧!可我现在还在吃 🍉
机甲战士视屏观战者 回复 @1386992zxds: 黑狗:请求支援 !☠️ 死亡队长:请求失败!😓 火影:啊!~ 乌龙哥:请……请求……啊!~💀 死亡队长:什么?! 大红:救命!!!😱 黑狗:冲啊!!!!! 亡命血:我不冲,☠️哦!~ 血亡:让你不冲!!😂 血亡:啊啊啊!?哦!~ 死亡队长:我先逃了吧?!😒 黑狗:你莫……你莫走……你不……啊!~ 乌龙哥:救……救救我吧? 火影:去你的!啊!~
听友227914414 回复 @对方输入中oo: 兄弟,睡觉了。