Wedding Haka

Wedding Haka


Today is August 19th, 2020. The news today is Wedding Haka.

Level 1

Haka is a dance. It is from New Zealand. People hit the floor with their feet. They shout(叫喊). They make scary faces. People perform a Haka at a wedding. It is a show for the bride(新郎) and the groom(新娘). They watch the show. They are moved by it. They start to dance, too.

Level 2

A groom’s family performed a haka at his wedding in New Zealand. They were shouting, hitting the floor with their feet and making scary faces.

They performed the traditional dance to show respect to the Maori bride. She, as well as her husband, were clearly moved by the haka. They even joined in themselves.

Level 3

A video of a wedding haka performed by the groom’s family at a wedding in New Zealand has gone viral(病毒式传播).

People performed it at the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in Hamilton on New Zealand’s North Island to honour the bride’s Maori heritage(毛利血统). Her groom and she were clearly moved by the demonstration and even joined in themselves. The particular haka is called TikaTonu which tells the story of a father encouraging his son to overcome his problems.



