施晓菁 | Bring a Sense of Gain, Happiness and Security to the People

施晓菁 | Bring a Sense of Gain, Happiness and Security to the People




Bring a Sense of Gain, Happiness and Security to the People


In recent years solid results have been achieved in the construction, management, maintenance and operation of roads in rural areas those connecting rural areas,especially poor areas, to the rest of the country and bringing them prosperity.The Party has thus garnered greater support at the grassroots.

The Ministry of Transport, relevant departments, and all localities must fully implement the decisions and plans made at the 19th CPC National Congress, and make sure they understand the importance of building roads in rural areas as a component of the rural revitalization strategy and the final fight against poverty. They should focus on prominent problems, improve policies and mechanisms, and better build, manage, maintain, and operate rural roads, to provide the infrastructure that is necessary for rural people to achieve moderate prosperity and for modernizing agriculture and rural areas.


We must always place the people’s interests above everything else,accelerate reforming our systems and mechanisms in sectors for public wellbeing, and do everything in our means to guarantee and improve people’s standard of living. We should continue to improve public services, enhance social fairness and justice, and direct more public resources to communities,rural areas, and groups in need of help. Priority should be given to matters that concern the people’s immediate interests.


The renovation of rundown urban areas concerns the life and work of millions. We cannot have cities with skyscrapers on the one side and slums on the other. We still face a daunting task in renovating rundown urban areas across the country. But as long as it is to the benefit of the people, we must try our best and do it well.


Ensuring the safety of medicines is a duty that no Party committee or government at any level may neglect. We must always prioritize people’s health, improve vaccine management, and hold firm to the red line of medication safety, just as we would take a heavy dose of medicine to treat a serious disease. We must do our best to protect the immediate interests of the people and ensure public security and social stability.


Myopia is a growing trend among students, particularly the younger ones. It is doing severe damage to their health, and is a major issue bearing on the future of our country. We must attach greater importance to the problem and prevent it from worsening.

In the context of deeper educational reform, all relevant authorities should come up with effective prevention and control plans and urge all local authorities and departments to ensure implementation. The whole society must act for better eyesight and a better future for our children.


Couriers of express delivery services work very hard, rising early and working long into the night, regardless of the weather. They can be particularly busy on weekend sand during holidays. Just like bees, they are the hardest-working people,making our lives easier. We must put employment at the top of our agenda, and create more jobs for the people.


The ancient Chinese used to say, “Filial piety is the root of morality.”The Chinese people have always honored filial piety and the value of family, caring for the elderly and the children of others as they care for their own. China is now an aging society. It is a matter of social harmony and stability to ensure care, support, recreation, and security for the elderly. The whole of society should respect, care for,and support the elderly, and ensure they have a happy life with more and better old-age programs.


Civil affairs concern people’s well being and can affect their attitude towards the Party and the government. They involve basic work in society and how we can guarantee people’s basic needs. Party commit-tees and governments at all levels should put people at the center of their work, intensify leadership over civil affairs, improve the capacity of grassroots agencies to render service in civil affairs, and ensure the sustainable and sound development of this sector. Civil affairs agencies at all levels should strengthen the Party, persevere in reform and innovation, pay special attention to poverty elimination, special groups and public concerns, and fulfill their duties in guaranteeing people basic living, grassroots social governance, and basic social services, so as to contribute to the building of a moderately prosperous society and a modern socialist country.


Garbage sorting concerns the public’s living environment and resource conservation. It is also an important indicator of social progress.

The key to promoting garbage sorting lies in strengthening management, developing along-term mechanism, and accustoming people to the practice. We should strengthen guidance in light of local conditions, take solid and concrete measures, and persevere to the end. Guidance should be given in the form of extensive education campaigns, so that people understand the importance of and necessity for garbage sorting. Through effective supervision and guidance, more people will act and take up the habit. Everybody should join the effort, work for a better environment, and contribute to green and sustainable development.


We need to focus on the most pressing and relevant problems that are of the greatest concern to the people and the difficulties they face in their lives, and solve each and every one of them. We will do our best to achieve real results quickly to give our people a strong sense of gain,happiness and security. The Party and the government should fulfill their duties, encourage and support the participation of enterprises, people’s organizations, and social groups, leverage the role of the people, and inspire their enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity, so as to create a sustainable operating framework for the city.

