1. When should I take the medicine? 什么时候我该吃药 2. What drug can we reduce a fever? 什么药能降温 3. I need some medicine to take down a fever. 我需要一些药来降温 4. I need a fever reducing drug. 我需要一种降温的药 5. Do I take it with food? 我吃饭的时候吃它? 6. How much do I take? 我要吃多少 7. Do you have one as a replacement? 你有没有替代它的药 8. This medicine has the same effect. 这种药有相同的副作用 9. I am sensitive to this medicine. 我对这种药敏感 10. We don’t have this drug here. 我们这里没有这种药