Funny fish—怪鱼炫美记

Funny fish—怪鱼炫美记



Three funny fish were swimming in the sea.

One funny fish said,"Look at me."

"I am bright and funny and red."

"I am the best fish here," it said.

Then a big fish came and swish, swish, swish~~

That was the end of the funny red fish.

Two funny fish were swimming in the sea.

One funny fish said,"Look at me! I am yellow as bright as the sun!"

Then the big fish came and~~~Yum, Yum, Yum!

One funny fish was swimming in the sea.

It said, "No one ever looks at me."

Then along came the big fish~~oh, dear me.

The funny fish said, "He can't see me! I can hide,

I can look like a stone, so the big bad fish leaves me alone!"

