CHAPTER 8 One Night
Mr. Cruncher usually sat on his stool watching people flowup and down Fleet Street. During the summer months, business slowed. Onemorning he noticed an unusual commotion pouring down the street.
“Young Jerry, ” said Cruncher to his son, “it's a buryin'.Get atop this here seat and look at the crowd.”
His son obeyed. He saw the crowd approaching alongside adingy hearse and a dingy mourners' coach. Only one mourner sat in the coach.The people swarmed around the coach, calling out, “Yah! Spies! ”
Funerals always had a remarkable attraction for Cruncher.Finally, he learned the funeral was for one Roger Cly.
“Was he a spy? ” asked Cruncher.
“Old Bailey spy, ” returned the man.
“Why to be sure! ” exclaimed Cruncher, recalling the trialat which he had assisted Mr. Lorry. “I've seen him. He's dead, is he? ”
“Dead as mutton! ” said the man. And then he hollered, “Pull'em out, there! ”
The crowd mobbed the two vehicles until they had to stop.The one mourner scuffled out of his coach and barely avoided the crowd.
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小精灵_Elf 回复 @Hz丨Elf: 很少有人说我温柔