



  • 布灵冰冰

    12: 那粒想飞到太阳里的豌豆落到水沟里去了,膨胀得吓人。 But the fourth pea, who wanted to shoot up to the sun, fell into a gutter and lay in the dirty water, where it swelled up amazingly.

  • 布灵冰冰

    11: 两粒懒惰的豆子很快就被鸟儿吃掉了, The two lazy ones got just that far, for they also were eaten by birds, 那粒曾经想飞到广大的世界里的豌豆,落到屋顶的水槽里,也被一只鸽子吃掉了。 the one that flew out into the wide world fell into the gutter of the roof and eaten by a pigeon.

  • 布灵冰冰

    9: 一个星期以后,这个小姑娘第一次能够坐一整个钟头了。 The following week the sick child for the first time sat up for over an hour. 窗子打开了,小姑娘面前一朵盛开的、粉红色的豌豆花。 She sat there in the warm sunshine; the window was opened, and outside stood a fully blown pink pea blossom.

  • 布灵冰冰

    8: When the women returned in the evening, the little girl said to her, "Mother, I think I am going to get well!" 一天早上,母亲发现豌豆要开花了。于是,她开始相信她的女儿会好起来。 "Look, it has a blossom!"said the woman one morning; and now she had not only the hope, but also the belief,that the little sick girl would get well

  • 布灵冰冰

    7: . "Why," she said, "it is a little pea that has sprouted out here with green leaves!" 妈妈把小姑娘的床搬得靠近窗户,好让她看到这正在生长的豌豆苗,然后出门了。And the sick girl's bed was moved closer to the window, where she could see the growing pea vine, and the mother went to her work. 当她晚上回来时,小姑娘说:“妈妈,我觉得我好一些了!”

  • 布灵冰冰

    6: 春天来了。小姑娘望着窗子说:“从窗玻璃旁边探出头来的那个绿东西是什么呢?” It was springtime. The sick girl looked over at the lowest windowpane. "What is that green thing that's peeping in the window?" 母亲把窗子推开一看。“啊!”她惊叹道,“我的天!原来是一棵小豌豆苗。” And the mother went over to the window and opened it a little.

  • 布灵冰冰

    5: 她有一个女儿,身体非常虚弱,在床上已经躺了一整年了。 And at home in the little room lay her only daughter, who was so very frail and thin. For a whole year the girl had been bed-ridden. 这个女人非常担心会失去唯一的女儿。This woman was very worried about losing her only daughter.

  • 布灵冰冰

    4: 它被射到空中,掉到了顶楼窗子下面的一块旧板子上,最后钻进了一个裂缝里。 It was shot into the air and it flew up against the old board under the garret window, right into a crack. 在顶楼里,住着一个穷苦的女人。 Inside the little garret lived a poor woman.

  • 布灵冰冰

    3: “我到了什么地方,就在什么地方睡。”第三粒和第四粒豌豆说着也飞走了。 "We'll go to sleep wherever we come to," said two of the others “该怎么样就怎么样!”最后的那粒豌豆说。 "Let happen what may!" said the last one.

  • 布灵冰冰

    2: “我要飞到广大的世界去了,再见!”第一粒豌豆大声叫着飞走了。 one was put in and shot out."Now I'm flying out into the wide world! Catch me if you can!" And then it was gone. 第二粒豌豆说:“我将直接飞向太阳,这才与我的身份相称呢!”于是它也飞走了。 "I'm going to fly right into the sun!" said the second. "That's a perfect pod, and very well suited to me!"