Englishpod075-Going to the dentist

Englishpod075-Going to the dentist


A: Hey, Gary, great to see you again. Please have a seat. So tell me, what seems to be the problem?
B: Thanks, doc. I’ve got a really bad toothache! I can’t eat anything, and look, my face is all swollen. I think it might be my wisdom tooth.
A: Well, let’s have a look. Open wide. Hmm... this doesn’t look good. Well, it looks like you have a cavity and your crown is loose. We’ll need to put in a filling before it gets any worse, and the crown probably needs to be refitted. I’m going to order some x-rays.
B: Is it gonna hurt?
A: No, not at all! Just lay back and relax.
A: Ok, spit.

1. what seems to be the problem
You look so occupied, what seems to be the problem?

2. swollen
Yesterday Jessica had a car accident and now her legs are all swollen.

3. wisdom tooth
My face is swollen cause the inflammation of one wisdom tooth.

4. cavity
Tom is as blind as a bat. He falled into a cavity when he was on the way home, hahaha!

5. crown
She is determined to win the final game as the prize is a golden crown.

6. put in a filling
Teacher should put children's safety first before we put a filling in this cavity of ladder.

7. lay back
Tomorrow I'll have a day off, and I just wanna lay back, nothing to do.v  vb

A: 嘿, 加里, 很高兴再次见到你。请坐, 告诉我你啥情况?
B: 谢谢你, 医生。我的牙痛得很厉害! 什么也吃不下了, 你看, 我的脸都肿了。我估计八成是因为智齿。
A: 嗯, 让我看看。张大嘴巴。嗯…看起来情况不是太妙。嗯, 好像你的牙齿有一个洞, 而且牙冠也松了。在情况变得更糟之前, 我们需要补上牙, 牙冠可能需要重新装上。我要拍x光片(来确认一下)。
B: 会疼吗?
A: 不, 一点也不! 躺下来, 放松一下。
A: 好的, 把痰吐出来。


1. 精听: 

使用aboboo软件播放原声音频, 一句一句听写。听不出来的语句可以尝试慢速播放, 实在听不出来的时候再耐下性子调整播放速度多听几遍, 如果还是听不出来可以到文本中翻看这句话。切忌精听之前就去看文本(可以提前预习一下对话后面的词汇),那是一点儿作用都没有的!

2. 模仿: 

一句一句反复模仿, 假装自己就是对话中的主角, 确保语音语调与原声音频尽可能一致(精听模仿都离不开分析音变现象);

3. 总结: 

挑出文中好的单词或语句, 总结使用表达并尝试自己造句。

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