


字母H,在单词里面的常见发音是 [h] [h]。
Hat 帽子 [h] + [at] = hat
Hamburger 汉堡  [h] + [amburger] = hanburger
Hand 手  [h]+ [and] = hand
Horse 马  [h] + [orse] = horse
House 房子  [h]+ [ouse] = house
Hero 英雄  [h] + [ero] = hero
Hop 蹦,跳 [h] + [op] = hop

我们听一首欢快的歌曲I like to hop 我喜欢蹦蹦跳跳
I like to hop, hop, hop, 我喜欢蹦蹦跳跳
up and down 跳上又跳下
I like to hop, hop, hop, 我喜欢蹦蹦跳跳
all around 不管在哪

Now, let’s listen to the song ‘I like to hop’  
[插入 I Like to Hop]

One day 有一天
The letter H was sad    H很不开心
And started crying h h h h h h 开始哭了起来 h h h h h h
Five friends saw the letter H 他的五个朋友看到了伤心的H
They were S, C, T, P, W 这五个人是 s, c, t, p, w
They asked “Why are you crying?” 他们问“你问什么哭啊”
The letter H answered “I don’t have friends”. H回答说“没有朋友和我玩”
So, the five friends decided that each day of of them would come and spend some time with H.
First was the letter S. 第一天来的是S
The letter S liked to play quitely. 字母S喜欢安静的玩
And with the H they say sh...sh...sh...他和字母H一块说 sh sh sh sh sh sh
Then came the letter C.  第二天来的是字母C
Letter C liked to play with trains. 他喜欢玩玩具汽车
And with H they say ch ch ch  ch ch 字母C和H一块说 ch ch ch ch ch ch
Then came T’s turn. 接下来是字母T
The Letter T was a teacher. 字母T是位老师
And liked to say 喜欢说
“This is a... That is a ...” 这是。。。那是。。。
And with H they say th th th th th th  字母T和H一块说 th th th th th th
Then came the letter P’s turn. 然后轮到了字母P
But the letter P broke its leg 因为它的腿骨折了
And couldn’t come. 来不了
So P called H on the phone 所以字母P给H打电话
And with H they say ph ph ph ph ph ph 他们一块说ph ph ph ph ph ph

Finally was the letter W’s turn. 最后轮到了字母W
The letter W liked to ask questions. 她喜欢问问题
So, with H they say wh wh wh wh wh wh. 所以字母W和H一块说wh wh wh wh wh wh 
In the end, the letter H was happy again to have such good friends. 最后字母H又高兴起来,因为有那么多好朋友

The H and the S make sh sh sh sh sh sh
The C and the S make ch ch ch ch ch ch
The T and the H make th th th th th th
The P and the H make ph ph ph ph ph ph
The W and the H make wh wh wh wh wh wh

