



Maybe you've crashed again -and you're in the dark familiar place.



As ever, one mess-up reminds you of all the fiascos, you tell yourself you've generated in the past

和以往一样 搞砸一件事就让你回想起所有,自己以前闯下的祸


and, more broadly, of your fundamental idiocy

说严重点 它让你想起自己是多么白痴


and - beyond that -of the doubtful nature of your entire existence. The next steps from here are well known: retreat,despair, flagellation, feeling yet smaller, ever greater doubt and deeper self-loathing.

除此之外,接下来会发生什么  也是众所皆知的,还让你怀疑自己的存在,退缩  绝望 自我鞭笞 自我菲薄,越来越深的自我怀疑和自我厌恶。


You have mined this cavern expertly over the years. Maybe - before this latest mini catastrophe- you'd been feeling a bit stronger, you've come to expect a little more of life.

这些年来 你深谙于此,也许 在这场小灾难没发生之前,你还觉得自己坚强了一点儿,开始对生活有了更大的期待


As if! This is a return to reality; you are back now where you assume you belong, the sad subterranean place from which  you should've never have sought to escape.



But what about if, this time, just for once, as a mad experiment in living (and with little left to lose), you tried a different route, you chose a fresh approach to despair,

但如果 这一次 仅仅这一次,当一个疯狂的生命体验者(没有什么可以失去了),你尝试了不同的路线,你选择了一种全新的方式面对绝望


you chose to argue with it using a strange weapon, moulded out of an attitude of radical melancholy and defiant vulnerability. What if you told yourself a few sharply different things?

你选择了用一种特异的武器来与它对峙,这种武器的锻造 同时熔合了极致的忧愁和对脆弱的蔑视。如果跟自己说一些截然不同的事情会怎样?


For a start, how on earth were you to know? How are any of us meant to lead the unblemished lives, we cruelly assume it's our responsibility to lead when we possess so little of the information, about ourselves and the conditions of life

首先  你如何知道?你认为每个人都应该过上完美的生活,并把过上完美的生活当作了一种责任,而这时我们对自己、对生活条件实际上需要什么,都还一无所知。


that are actually required? Why do we keep feeling surprised and angry that we fail around love and work, friendship and family, given that we have so few of the tools necessary to live with any semblance of wisdom?

这太残酷了,为什么我们总是惊讶和愤怒于爱情、 工作、友谊和家庭的失败.考虑到我们无奈极了,以至于无法展现丝毫的智慧?


The schools don't work, the books don't know, and our minds are desperately, intermittent, ambiguous and misfiring organs. The point is not whether or not we're going to mess up,but just how badly and in what area.

没有老师的教诲  没有书籍的滋养,我们的大脑整个就是一个断断续续、 模糊不清、功能失调的器官。问题不在于我们是否会搞砸,而在于我们会搞砸到什么程度 在什么方面。


Failure is the ineluctable norm. But there are options to how we tell the story of each new reversal. We might thread these into a narrative of continuous gloom, or we might assemble them into a more compassionate and imaginative (and sometimes warmly funny) tale.

失败是一种常态  不可避免,但我们可以选择如何讲述,每一次新的逆转。我们可以把所有的失败串成一个愁绪绵延的故事,或者可以把它们组成一个更富有同情心和想象力的故事(或者可以温暖有趣)。


Sometimes failure might just be a mishap rather than a sign that we don't deserve to live. A rejection might not have to be a harbinger of unlimited doom. It's open to us to arrange the very same facts into another kind of story.

有时候 失败只是一次事故,不代表我们不配活下去,一次拒绝不代表是无限厄运的预兆。我们可以把既定的事实,改编成不完全一样的故事。


Nor should we torture ourselves thinking that others wouldn't have made our mistakes. They didn't come from the same place as we did. We had our own distinctive histories that made us particularly predisposed to blindness and weakness in specific areas. 



What is sure is that none of us is ever beyond regular encounters with total stupidity. We should accept our idiocy with grace. We need only think ahead to old age to lose any remaining brittle attachment to dignity.

但可以肯定的是  我们中没有人,在日常生活中是一个彻头彻尾的傻瓜,我们应该优雅地接受自己的小傻气,我们只需试试未老先衰的心态,就不再因为自尊变得脆弱。 


In a little while, sure enough, we'll once again be as helpless as an infant but a good deal less sympathetic, with prostate issues and an adult bib. The best wisdom we're capable of involves never losing sight of our own ridiculousness- in a kind way.

过不了多久 我们肯定会再次像婴儿一样感到无助,又变得难以容忍前列腺问题和老年痴呆。我们能做的 最明智的就是永远不要忽视自己的荒谬,以一种善意的方式。


Naturally, the reality of our inner lives can feel unusually desperate to us. But that's only because we don't know the lives of other people in sufficient detail. If we did, we'd find all the same longing, compromise, misery and awkwardness. We aren't uniquely awful; we just know ourselves unusually well. What we need is the darkest kind of celebration, a politely giant fuck you to the universe

我们内心世界的现实,让自己感到异常绝望是很正常的,但那只是因为我们不够了解别人生活中的鸡毛蒜皮,如果了解了  就会发现大家有相同的渴望、妥协、痛苦和尴尬。生活不只对我们下了毒手,我们只是太了解自己的生活,我们需要腹黑式的庆祝,礼貌地对世界大喊一声“去你的”


for the way we have wound up as bits of semicoherent, semi-conscious suffering biological matter pinned to a spinning rock near a fading star without a clue of how to conduct ourselves meaningfully. All who can recognize the miserable facts with dark humor are our natural friends,


to whom we should turn and share bleakly funny jokes as we head to the gallows and the ultimate catastrophe that awaits us all. We may be experts at beating ourselves up, but this is a banal sport we've triumphed at for too long. Let's try to explore the forgotten glamour of giving ourselves a break, and once in a while, of turning towards light, reassurance, and a bit of compassionate cosiness.

当我们走向绞刑架,面对死亡这个终极灾难之时,同他们分享阴郁有趣的笑话。生活若是一场拳击赛  我们就是自暴的专家,我们霸占冠军之位已久  比赛毫无看点。让我们试着去探索被遗忘的魅力。让自己休息一下,偶尔面向光明、自我肯定,给自己一点宽慰和舒适。

