最伟大的听力秘诀:经典缩读弱化现象: 1.got to弱化成gotta [gatə] 相当于have to,更加口语化. I gotta see him right now. gətə I gotta go now. əu 2.have to弱化成hafta[hæftə] I hafta hurry to the office right now.(不被强调用降调,一闪而过) 3. he弱化成'e[i] her弱化成'er[ə] him弱化成'im[im] his弱化成’is [is](尽量简单流畅) Who is'e? This is'er husband. Tell'im the story. Tell'er you love'er. What's'is favorite food? 4.is that弱化成Izat [ i'zæt ] of弱化成 [ ə ](咬唇音比较辛苦所以弱化掉) I'zat your wife? I sorta(=sort of) like the idea. It’s kinda(=kind of) tough. 5.or弱化成'r [ ə ],卷舌卷一半。 out of弱化成outta [autə] probably弱化成prob'ly [prαbli] Do you like ice cream'r candy?卷舌卷一半。 mə (cream'r=cream or cream'n=cream and) Get outta here! Get out of here! 从这里滚出去! Out of the way 让开 He'll prob'ly come for dinner.他会来吃晚饭的。 6.some弱化成s'm[səm] sure弱化成sher[∫ə] them弱化成[əm]/[m] Want s'm food? Sher, I want some bread. I hate'm./Let'm go! Are you gonna be late today? ə j gənə bi No, I'll be home at the usual time. həum 'ju:Зuəl 7. What time is it? mizi oh my god,it's ten o'clock am. nə if i don't hurry,i will be late for school. Fai 8. were you sleeping? i: I know you are just pretending ə jəs that you're asleep. j ə i: But I just wanna talk to you. ə ɔ: 教材:口语魔术师Monster的《顶级发音训练》,我整理了文本在这里分享给需要的小伙伴们,拿走不用谢:)