Run, Barry, run! Back to the future is classic for sure, besides, there are so many outstanding works on it. Let's say, Looper, The time machine, In time, Source Code, Flash, and DC's Legends of Tomorrow. Did Lulu hear about theories like Flashpoint, Time vibration or Time residual?
英语主播璐璐 回复 @iCyclone: wow, so much to learn! I have to admit, I am a total rookie when it comes to the topic of time travel. Brad seems to know a lot though Sounds like you are a proud fellow geek!
In one of the Harry Potter series (should be Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban), Harry and Hermine travelled back to the past using a Time Tuner. Harry saved his godfather and himself from Dementors. That part of the film was very impressive.
睡前听了这一期就做了个梦 回到了几十年前 看见了我爷爷还是意识清醒的 看见我奶奶还能正常的走路 直接哭了