第912期:Ecuador and Colombia

第912期:Ecuador and Colombia


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Katia: Hello Felipe, how are you?

Felipe: Hello, I'm fine.

Katia: Listen, I was thinking you know a lot about Ecuador and Colombia right?

Felipe: Yeah.

Katia: What is it that you like about those two countries or what is it that you don't like that much or what would you like to change?

Felipe: Well, what I really love of both countries is nature because, you know, my hobby is mountain climbing so I enjoy climbing high mountains in both countries because you have that, you know that in Colombia and Ecuador there is the highlands and you have really really high mountains so I enjoy that. And also let's say one thing that I don't like is that cities are too big, you know, and if you get lost, if you travel to Bogot·, it's huge so I don't like cities in Colombia because they're so big, they're huge and you get lost.

Katia: What about in Ecuador? Quito, is it also a big city?

Felipe: Well it is a big city but it's not as big as Bogot·. If you think, you can travel from the south to the north in a couple of hours, maybe two hours, it's not that huge as Bogot·.

Katia: That is so interesting. What about something that you would like to change perhaps of Ecuador or Colombia?

Felipe: Well, the only thing I would like to change is something about tourism because you know that people overseas outside of Colombia and Ecuador, they don't know too much about Colombia and Ecuador. So I don't know, I think the government should, you know, make people overseas know more about Colombia and Ecuador so that we can attract more tourists to our countries.

Katia: That is so true. Actually just by knowing more, I want to go to Ecuador and Colombia.

Felipe: There you are, that's great.

Katia: So thank you, Felipe.

Felipe: OK, you're welcome.

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