Prepare 5 U1 P10 01

Prepare 5 U1 P10 01


Narrator: Daisy

Daisy: I love shopping anywhere, so

I don’t really mind where I go.

I hate it when I don’t have enough money, though,

so I guess that markets are probably my favourite place to shop.

You don’t have to spend much money there, but

if you’re a tourist, then you should be careful

because sometimes they can charge you high prices.

Narrator: Sean

Sean: I think that online shopping is the best thing ever.

My parents do their food shopping online.

If you spend a certain amount, then

you don’t have to pay the delivery charges.

Also, we sometimes buy clothes and

books online – there are plenty of sites!

And if it’s not right, you can usually send the item back.

Narrator: Alec

Alec: Well, I love video games and I’m always looking for new ones.

Last week my favourite department store was offering

a ten percent discount on some games, which is really good.

Also, they’re really good about refunds, like

when Mum bought me a game I already had,

they just gave us the money back – easy!

Narrator: Rose

Rose: I love shopping malls, especially when I meet up

with my friends and we stay there for the whole day.

I have several store cards for my favourite stores;

you know those cards that get you a discount

for the next time you purchase something.

My favourite store has regular promotions – you just

text a word and you get a code sent to your phone.

It’s great.

Some older kids from our school work in the stores

and it’s nice when you know the person who serves you.

And you get great service that way!

Narrator: Iris

Iris: I think walking down the main street in a town

and going into all the little shops is fun.

It’s better when it’s nice weather – it isn’t much fun in the rain!

These are just regular shops and if you buy

something and it’s not right, you can exchange it.

You just have to show them the receipt.

  • JianQin
