【Who Took The Cookie】谁拿了饼干?学习关于动物的单词

【Who Took The Cookie】谁拿了饼干?学习关于动物的单词


【Lyric 歌词】(歌词结束后还有单词学习哦~)

Who took the cookie from the cookie jar? 谁从饼干罐里拿走了饼干?
Panda took the cookie from the cookie jar. 熊猫从饼干罐里拿走了饼干
Who me?  是我吗?(熊猫说)
Yes, you! 是的,就是你!
Not me! 不是我!
Then who? 那是谁?
Rabbit! 兔子!

Who took the cookie from the cookie jar? 谁从饼干罐里拿走了饼干?
Rabbit took the cookie from the cookie jar.兔子从饼干罐里拿走了饼干
Who me? 是我吗?(兔子说)
Yes, you! 是的,就是你!
Not me! 不是我!
Then who? 那是谁?
Bear! 小熊!

Who took the cookie from the cookie jar? 谁从饼干罐里拿走了饼干?
Bear took the cookie from the cookie jar. 小熊从饼干罐里拿走了饼干
Who me? 是我吗?(小熊说)
Yes, you! 是的,就是你!
Not me! 不是我!
Then who? 那是谁?
Penguin! 企鹅!

Who took the cookie from the cookie jar? 谁从饼干罐里拿走了饼干?
Penguin took the cookie from the cookie jar. 企鹅从饼干罐里拿走了饼干
Who me? 是我吗?(企鹅说)
Yes, you! 是的,就是你!
Not me! 不是我!
Then who? 那是谁?
Kangaroo! 袋鼠!

Who took the cookie from the cookie jar? 谁从饼干罐里拿走了饼干?
Kangaroo took the cookie from the cookie jar. 袋鼠从饼干罐里拿走了饼干
Who me? 是我吗?(袋鼠说)
Yes, you! 是的,就是你!
Okay, okay…I took the cookie.  是的…是我拿了饼干
I took the cookie from the cookie jar. 从饼干罐里拿走了饼干
The yummy, yummy cookie from the cookie jar.  饼干罐里美味的饼干
Are you hungry? 你们饿了么?
Uh-huh. 嗯嗯!(其他动物说)
Let’s share!  那我们一起分享饼干吧!
Okay! 好的!

Who wants some cookie? 谁想要饼干?
I do! Me, me, me! 我,我,我想要!
Cookie, please! 请给我饼干!
Here you go! 给你!
Thank you. 谢谢!
I want some cookie! 我也想要饼干!
Thank you. 谢谢!

who: 谁
took: 拿了
panda : 熊猫
rabbit: 兔子
bear: 熊
penguin: 企鹅
kangaroo: 袋鼠
cookie: 饼干,曲奇
jar: 罐子

from: 从…
yummy: 美味的
hungry: 饥饿的
share: 分享

want: 想要

Here you go: 给你

