奥黛丽·赫本 | 讲童话故事《瓷偶女王莱德罗纳》

奥黛丽·赫本 | 讲童话故事《瓷偶女王莱德罗纳》


The afternoon is getting quite windy, perhaps I should take a walk later on. I love to walk in the wind, Monsieur Ravel used to love to walk as well, he did not enjoy the wind as I did.


I remember one day in particular, I had been reading a book about pythoness. I was walking along, and a twig snapped by my foot. I screamed, imagining it was a dread python come to devour me. Monsieur Ravel tried to reassure me, But I was still terrified.


Finally, he said he knew a story about a very wonderful green snake, and if I would only please stop carrying on, he could tell it to me. My crying stopped instantly. We sat down together on a bank full of wild flours, and he began to tell me the story, Of...Laideronette, Empress of the Pagodas.


Once upon a time, there lived a good hearted King and Queen who had twin baby girls. When it was time for them to be christened, all the important people and fairies in the kingdom were invited. But, as so often happens when people plan a big event, something gets forgotten. And what got forgotten in this case, Was the fairy Magotine.


Magotine was the most black-hearted and sour fairy in the world. And even though she was not invited to the christening, she came anyway, in a black and sour puff of smoke.


All the fairies but one had already offered their wishes to the baby princesses. When Magotine appeared, she hobbled up to the cradle, touched one of the babies on the cheek and cried: "My wish for you is perfect ugliness." And then she disappeared.


The queen cried and screamed until the last fairy, the one who has not to give her wish said: "Your Majesty, maybe I can help. Here is my gift to the Princess: But although she will be ugly, she will still find great happiness." And the Queen had to be happy with that.


Time passed, and the two little Princesses grew up. The pretty one, Bellet was as jewellery and freshly-colored as her rose. But the other one, Laideronnette, grow up to be so hideous that no one could bear to look at her.


Finally, when she was 18 years old, she said to her parents: "I love you so much, but I cannot stand living here anymore. Please let me live as mistress of the castle by the sea. I should be all by myself there. And there will be nobody's eyes to remind me of how ugly I am."


The King and Queen grieved, but they love their daughter, but they let her go.


Laideronnette was happy at the castle. She was not lonely, for she had books to read, walks to take, her harps to go to play, And her pet kitten to giggle at.


One day she was taking her favorite walk through a leafy forest. When suddenly a huge green squirmy serpent reared up in front of her. She screamed in terror and ran shuddering back to the castle. She never took the leafy forest walk again.


The following week, Laideronnette decided to take a swim at the seashore. Suddenly, as she was swimming, a wicked storm struck. The waves grew larger and larger, and Laideronnette was afraid she was going to drown!


Luckily, she saw a green log floating there. She reached the log, threw herself up. And to a horror, felt the log move under her! It was none other than a green serpent! Laidernnette fainted.


The next thing she knew, she was lying on a couch. In a splendid white bedroom she had never seen before. And around her, smiling, were dozens of tiny creatures. They looked like Chinese idles. When she sat up they bowed and curtsied to her. The bells on the little hats chimed most adorably.


"We are the Pagodas", they said. "We are here to make you happy." And they danced and sang for Laideronnette, and she was enchanted. They led her to an even more beautiful apartment, which they said it was for her. And they told her to call them anytime she needed anything.“


Laideronnette remained in Pagoda, for that was the name of the country. For several months, she was very happy there. But the longer she stayed, the more curious she became.


"Who is your ruler?" she asked one day. "The King!" the Pagoda said, "It is he who told us to take such good care of you! "I would like to meet him and thank him", Laideronnette said.


The next day, she was taken to the throne room of the Palace. The room was very grand, but the great throne was empty. "I hear you wish to see me", said a beautiful voice, "But it cannot be, the fairy Magotine had put a curse on me.”


“For seven years, no one can see me. Five of the years have already past, and there are two to go. I have been watching you these weeks, Laideronnette.” he went on, "And I have grown to love you. Will you be my wife?"


Laideronnette was very pleased by his offer, and said that if she were given a chance to know him better, She might agree to it.


For the next few weeks, she spent a lot of time with the King. Laideronnette never saw him, but his voice was so beautiful and kind. His words so intelligent, that she finds herself falling in love.


The night before the wedding, The King said to her: “Remember the curse, my dear. For two more years I must stay invisible. If you try to see me before then, A terrible thing would happen. Do you understand?"


"Oh, yes,” she said: “I promise not to be curious." It was an easy promise to make, but it was not an easy promise to keep. For as the months went on, And Laideronnette grew to love her husband more and more, more and more she wish to see him.


One day, she was in the garden gathering roses, and the King was behind a trellis. Laideronnette slipped quietly up and peeped through at him. And then she shrieked with terror and fell back. For there was her husband, the green serpent.


"You have betrayed me!" he cried in a sad terrible voice. And then he disappeared. Miserable and ashamed of herself, Laideronnette left the castle. For two years, she wondered around at Pagodia.


One winter night, exhausted, she came to a small stream. A tiny fairy stood beside it. "This is the stream of discretion," the fairy said, "If you drink from it, you will one second be beautiful." But Laideronnette was no longer interested in being beautiful.


"The steam of discretion," she said, "If I had had discretion 2 years ago, I would have never broken my promise. I would never have looked at my husband. I would never have brought this tragedy upon us. Discretion is something I need. Perhaps the stream can give it to me."


So she thanked and drank. And the fairy smiled: "I'm very pleased with you, Laideronnette", she said, "Instead of caring about being beautiful, your only thought was to be a better person. And so you shall be rewarded."


Laideronnette was given two wonderful rewards. The first was when she saw her reflection in the water, she gasped at the sight. She was absolutely beautiful now! Golden and pink and perfect.


And the second reward was the young man who came up and kneed beside her. As he spoke through happy tears, Laideronnette recognized him by his voice. He was her lost and loved husband. The two of them embraced and cried and kissed. And they were happy together until the end of their time.


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