


856.My hobby is collecting stamps. Do you have a hobby?我的业余爱好是集邮。你有嗜好吗?
857.What do you do in your spare time?业余时间你做些什么?
858.I like to surf the Net to get all sorts of information我喜欢上网去获取各种信息。
859.Photography is my favorite pastime. I've taken thousands of pictures摄影是我最喜欢的消遣方式。我已拍了数以千记的照片。
860.I find Karaoke relaxing, and it takes my mind off my work我发现卡拉OK能解闷,还能把我的注意力从工作上转移开。
861.Playing cards is a lovely way to kill time打扑克牌是一种消磨时间的好办法。
862.Some people like horseback riding, but I prefer golfing as a hobby有些人喜欢骑马,但我更喜欢把打高尔夫球作为一种嗜好。
863.I spend quite some time and energy decorating my room我花了不少时间和精力来装饰我的房子。
864.I've always thought traveling is a very interesting hobby我一直认为旅游是一种很有趣的嗜好。
865.Writing poems is just an avocation with me.写诗只不过是我的一个业余爱好而已。
866.My cousin enjoys acting, and she is a member of a drama club我的表姐喜欢表演,她是剧社的成员。
867.Nancy's not a professional. She plays the piano for the fun of it南茜不是专业人员。她弹钢琴是为了好玩。
868.I started a new hobby.And I got tired of working in the garden我开始了新的嗜好。我对于园艺已经厌倦了。
869.I've heard of unusual hobbies, but I've never heard of that one我听说过不寻常的嗜好,但从未听说过那样的。
870.For many, a hobby is a means of expressing their creativity对于很多人来说,嗜好是一种表现创造力的途径。

