6.9 美音朗读版

6.9 美音朗读版

  • 听友226547153

    6.9早读 And so the question that you chose to ask, will it be better where we’re going, and though the answer I don’t know for a fact, still my heart it saying oh yes.

  • 半勺薄荷糖

    6.9早读❤And so the question that you chose to ask 那么你选择要问的问题是 Will it be better where we're going 我们要去的地方会不会更好” And though the answer I don't know for fact 虽然答案我确实不知道 Still my heart is saying Oh yes 我的心还是在说“哦,是的”

  • Shirleycjw

    And so the question that you chose to ask “Will it be better where we're going?” And though the answer I don't know for a fact Still my heart is saying “Oh yes”!

  • fushoujun

    6.9早读And so the question that you chose to ask 那么你选择要问的问题是 Will it be better where we're going 我们要去的地方会不会更好” And though the answer I don't know for fact 虽然答案我确实不知道 Still my heart is saying Oh yes 我的心还是在说“哦,是的”

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