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  • 听友251938955


    毒舌英语 回复 @听友251938955: 关注“毒舌英语”微信公众号可看到视频和文本哦~

  • 淇淇想静静啊

    stretch to afford tuition. And some of you are the first in your families to reach this milestone. So even if half of this semester was spent at Zoom university, you've earned this moment. You should be very proud. Everybody who supported you along the way is proud of you -parents,,grandparents,

  • 淇淇想静静啊

    and soutliern, Jackson state and Tennessee State, might raise some eyebrows at sharing a graduation ceremony .

  • 淇淇想静静啊

    professors, mentors ,aunties ,unlces ,brothers,sisters,cousins,secondcousins,and cousins who you aren't even sure are consins. Show them some gratitude today. Now look, i kown this isn't the commencement any of you really imagined . Because while our HBCUs are mostly kown an education rooted in

  • 淇淇想静静啊

    Hi,everybody. Congratularions toHBCU class of 2020.Michelle and i are so proud of you. Graduating from college is achievement under any circumstances.And so many of you overcome a lot to get here. You navigated challengeing classes,and challenges outside the classroom.Many of you had to

  • 淇淇想静静啊

    academic rigor, community,higher purpose-they also kown how to turn up. Nobody shines quite like a senior on the yard in spring time. Springfest at schools like Howard and Morehouse that's the time when you get to strut your stuff a little bit.And i kown that in normal times,rivals like Grambling

  • 小白绵羊


  • 小白绵羊


  • 睁着眼睛说梦话

    Springer school like Howard and morehouse that's the time when you get to strut your stuff, a little bit.

  • 睁着眼睛说梦话
