

During a vaginal childbirth, the first stage of labor lasts about 12 to 19 hours, and starts when your baby settles lower into your pelvis. In response, your cervix begins to efface, or become thinner, and dilate, or widen.阴道分娩期间,第一产程持续约12-19小时。胎儿进入骨盆,相应地,宫颈管逐渐消失或宫颈变薄,扩张或变宽。During this time, you may feel strong, regular contractions occurring every 5 to 20 minutes, and lower back pain and cramping that doesn’t go away. You may see a brownish or reddish mucus discharge, which could be the mucus plug at the opening of your cervix falling out.在此期间,每5-20分钟,产妇可能感觉到强烈的,有规律的宫缩,下背疼痛,持续抽筋。产妇阴道出现褐色或红色粘液排出物,宫颈粘液栓脱落。Your water may break, which can either be a large gush of fluid or a continuous trickle. If you experience any of these symptoms, contact your doctor or midwife to see if you should go to the hospital.产妇的羊水破裂,阴道流出大量液体或呈连续滴流样。若出现任意一种症状,请联系医生,或助产士,确定是否应该入院。At the beginning of the stage two of labor, which usually lasts 20 minutes to two hours. Your cervix is fully dilated to ten centimeters. And your baby’s head has moved beyond the cervical opening into your birth canal. Your doctor or midwife will instruct you to push during your contractions and rest between them. In a normal delivery, your baby’s head will rotate to face your back.第二产程初始阶段可能持续20分钟至两个小时。子宫颈完全扩张至10cm。胎头越过宫颈口进入产道。医生或助产士将指导你在宫缩时如何用力,宫缩期间如何休息。正常分娩情况下,胎儿将会旋转,面向你的背部。During active labor, your uterus divided into the active segment that contracts pushing your baby downward, and flexible passive segment that remains relaxed, streching to provide more room for the baby to pass through.产程活跃期,你的子宫分为两部分:收缩推动婴儿向下的活动部分;保持松弛、拉伸状态,给胎儿提供更多可通过空间的弹性被动部分。When the top of your baby’s head appears, or crowns, your doctor may make a small cut, called an episiotomy, to enlarge the vaginal opening. Then your doctor or midwife will give you instructions on how to push your baby out. As your baby’s head passes through the birth canal, it molds into an elongated shape. An elongated head shape will resolve itself within a few days as the skull bones shift back into the place.当胎头露出或胎头着冠时,医生可能在产妇阴道做小切口,即阴道切开术,以扩大阴道口。然后,医生或助产士指导产妇将胎儿推出。胎头通过产道时变得细长,但是随着颅骨复位,数日后,胎头恢复正常。After your baby’s head exits the birth canal, his or her head and shoulders will rotate to help the shoulders pass through the birth canal. Your baby’s shoulders are delivered one after the other, in order to fit through your pelvis. Once the shoulders emerge, the rest of your baby slides out easily. After your baby is born, his or her umbilical cord will be cut.胎头通过产道后,胎儿的头和肩膀将旋转,辅助肩膀通过产道。胎儿的肩膀逐个娩出以适应骨盆。肩膀一旦出现,胎儿身体的其余部分就很容易滑出来。胎儿出生后,剪掉脐带。In stage 3 of labor, which may last 5 to 30 minutes, mild contractions will help push the placenta out of the uterus. During this stage, you and your baby may begin bonding through skin-to-skin contact and breastfeeding.第三产程可能持续5-30分钟,轻度子宫收缩有益于将胎盘推出子宫。这一阶段,产妇和婴儿开始通过皮肤接触和母乳喂养的方式沟通。
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