


  • 我不是复旦学渣


  • 小小张说


  • 叶西葵000


    小小张说 回复 @叶西葵000: 字幕在做

    我不是复旦学渣 回复 @叶西葵000: 等字幕

  • 谓之南极星


    小小张说 回复 @谓之南极星: 是的

  • 知音博雅英语

    1---Those who said "Each generation is worse than the last" should look at you just like me I stare at you, full of envy All the wealth accumulated by mankind for thousands of years All the knowledge, insights, wisdom and arts are like well-prepared gifts just for you Technologies are booming, culture is flourishing, cities are prospering The achievements of modern civilization are being unfolded layer after layer so you can enjoy them to the fullest Feel free to learn a new language or a new skill Enjoy a movie or travel to a distant destination

  • 知音博雅英语

    4---While the gentlemen can appreciate differences and aim at harmony Young people can appreciate diversity in culture, aesthetics and values One day I finally realized As we are trying to teach you how to live your lives. You are also inspiring us to live better lives. Those who complain that "Each generation is worse than the last" should look at you just like me I stare at you, full of gratitude Because of you, the world will like China even more. Because the best scenery in a country is its young people