17-Study Finds Educators, Students Agree_ Technology Has Value

17-Study Finds Educators, Students Agree_ Technology Has Value


Technology is widely available to students in classrooms across theUnited States, a new study shows.

The study comes from the non-profit NewSchools Venture Fund andGallup, a company best known for its public opinion surveys. It found thatnearly nine in 10 U.S. public school students say they use digital learningtools at least a few days a week. And more than half of those questioned saidthey use digital technology to learn every day.

In the new survey, digital learning tools means technology. Itincludes websites, application software programs, and online classes, games,videos and programs.

The survey found that classroom technology gets high marks fromeducators. At least eight in 10 teachers and school administrators said theysee great value in using classroom technology tools now and in the future.

A report on the survey and its findings was released earlier thismonth. It is called Education Technology Use in Schools.

Who took the survey?

Researchers questioned thousands of U.S. public school teachers andstudents, school principals and school district administrators. The educatorswork in schools with classes from pre-kindergarten through 12th grade.

The report found that across the country, digital learning "iseverywhere and it's very integral to learning," Tonika Cheek Clayton toldVOA. She is managing partner at NewSchools. The fund connects businesses withdonors to finance new education technology programs.

Clayton says that most U.S. teachers – 65 percent -- use digitaltools to teach every day. She adds that more than three fourths of teacherssaid the technology helps to improve their effectiveness in the classroom.Educators think it is especially effective in activities like research,information searches, reports and presentations.

Technology and futureemployment

When it comes to preparing students for future employment and careers,the study found that educators are likely to say technology is more effectivethan non-digital tools for connecting learning to students' careers.

Derek Kelley of Virginia agrees. He coordinates technology forFairfax County Public Schools, which serves nearly 200,000 students. He toldVOA, "the important thing is to help prepare the students for real worldexperience" and knowledge about technology is something students need.

Kelley said technology is just one of many tools available toteachers. Because students learn differently, technology can help teacherssupport their students by offering different methods for providing information.

"Traditional teaching where the teachers (are) standing up,versus the role of technology in a classroom, I think both are important,"Kelley said. "And I think there needs to be balance."

Special education

In the report, more than half of the special education teachersquestioned said technology can help their students.

Tony Daniel, a special education teacher, agrees with that. Heteaches children with learning difficulties at the Springfield Estates ElementarySchool in Springfield, Virginia.

Daniel says he uses technology tools "as a way to extendlearning and really enhance how the kids are learning to give them a morehands-on experience."

Daniel helps his students learn and do computer coding in class. Attimes, some of his students like using a pencil and paper, while others want touse technology. He said they have to be taught how to use technology.

"You really have to think about if that student's needs arebeing met and not just you know, giving everyone a tablet," he said.

Critics of technology in classrooms say that students are spendingtoo much time looking at screens on their computers or electronic devices.

Concerns about technology overuse is something Derek Kelley's officehears about from the community. "So we are making sure that there is abalance with student use of technology," he says.

Tonika Cheeck Clayton said what is important is that nearly all ofthe teachers -- 90 percent -- limit technology use to less than half of theclass time. That was true even for those who use technology every day.

What do the studentsthink?

Nearly all elementary students say digital learning tools are fun.Most say the technology helps them learn things on their own and at their ownspeed.

Almost three-fourths of secondary students say the technology toolshelp them learn things on their own. Over half said they make school moreinteresting. Forty-two percent would like to use it more often at school, andonly eight percent said they would like to use them less.

One thing everyone agrees on: technology is here to stay in Americanclassrooms.

