今日摘串 1⃣ I AM all ears. 我洗耳恭听。 2⃣ To be a good listener to your kids. 做一个你孩子最好的听众。 3⃣ Be always listen to a little person, we encourage them to talk to us whether it's something good or bad. 经常倾听小朋友的心声,这样有助于鼓励他们无论事情是好是坏多跟我们进行交流。 4⃣ We give them the skills to be a good listener themselves. 我们给他们技能,让他们自己成为一个好的倾听者。 5⃣ Unconditional love and forgiveness 无条件的爱和宽恕 6⃣ You need to give children a lot of grace in order for them to understand how to extend it to others. 我们需要给孩子很多的的风度,才能让他们懂得如何把风度延伸到别人身上。