Ella and Olivia - Best friend showdown - chapter 1

Ella and Olivia - Best friend showdown - chapter 1


我猜想Sarah读《Ella and Olivia - Best Friend Showdown》的这个章节的时候应该很有感觉吧。


Ella 和 Olivia 是姐妹。Ella在这世界上最好的朋友叫 Zoe,她们都是七岁。她们做什么事情都在一起,在学校,她们坐在一起,有时候她们在一起说悄悄话。有时候她们的老师都叫她们小声些。午餐的时候,她们喜欢在一起玩游戏,甚至在一起吃三明治。


Sarah七岁的时候,在学校里面也有一个好得如胶似漆的朋友叫Doris。第一个学期开始,她们就做Elbow partner(同桌),渐渐开始熟悉。然后,不知不觉,两个人就黏在了一起。

Doris跟Sarah说,“朋友很容易找,能找到聊得来的很难。” 她们属于聊得来的,都是在国内读完幼儿园过来上小学的。就像上面描述的Ella和Olivia一样一样的,什么事情都在一起做,回到家里也要念叨许多和Doris之间的事情,还不够,还要写信,送各自做的小手工和画作。


一起在Eden Garden玩耍


《Ella and Olivia》就像国内很受小朋友喜欢的《米小圈上学记》,很贴切校园日常生活,一个是带有中国文化的,另一个是带有西方文化的。Sarah听《米小圈上学记》已经不下十遍,每一次听似乎都能听出新鲜感,家里还有一套米小圈的书是鼓励她学好中文以后再自己读。这类丛书很符合像Sarah这样年龄段小朋友的阅读兴趣,更容易理解语境里的词汇,即使不认识她也能猜到大概,多出现几次她就知道怎么运用了。


所以很推荐小朋友们一起阅读《Ella and Olivia》系列丛书,词汇相对简单,容易理解和引起共鸣,是一部很适合小学低年级小朋友英语入门的一套书。

Best Friend Showdown - Chapter One


Ella and Olivia are sisters. Ella is seven years old. Olivia is five-and-a-half years old. Ella’s best friend in the whole world is Zoe. Zoe is also seven.


Ella has green eyes and a fringe. Her brown ponytail swishes at the back. Zoe has black hair and long black eyelashes.


Ella and Zoe do everything together. At school, they sit next to each other. Sometimes they whisper and giggle. Sometimes their teacher, Miss Baker, has to say ‘Shhhhhhh’.


They like to play games together at lunchtime. Ella loves netball and Zoe likes to skip. They even eat their sandwiches together.


Ella has a little sister called Olivia and a little brother called Max. Zoe has a big brother called Will and a cat called Bojangles. Ella wishes she could have a pet of her own. When Ella goes to Zoe’s house, she likes to find Bojangles and stroke his fur. Bojangles doesn’t always like this. Sometimes he MEOOWWS very loudly when Ella pats him.


‘I love you, Bojangles,’ Ella whispers in his ear.


Zoe thinks Olivia is cute. She has freckles on her nose and wears pigtails. ‘I wish I had a little sister! They’re cool!’ says Zoe.


‘No, they’re not,’ says Ella. Zoe doesn’t know what it’s like to have a little sister. Olivia is always hanging around Ella. She is too young for big school. She likes to meet Ella and Zoe at the school gate and pretend she is a big girl.


Next year Olivia will start at big school with her sister and Zoe. She will have a uniform just her size. Olivia dreams they will all play together at lunchtime.


Ella and Zoe are sitting together in class on Monday morning. Today, Miss Baker has some news for her students. ‘We are going to work on an exciting project, class!’ she says.


A project? Ella and Zoe love projects! ‘Our school is building a new hall. We need to raise money to finish the building.’


‘How can we help?’ asks Zoe. She is curious. ‘It involves chocolate,’ says Miss Baker.




How perfect! ‘Are you still interested?’ their teacher asks. ‘YES, MISS BAKER!’ the class cries all together. 

