86: Bringing Chinese gaming innovation to the Middle East

86: Bringing Chinese gaming innovation to the Middle East


Matthieu David interviews Vincent Ghossoub, co-founder & CEO of Falafel Games. Building a company that handles game development and game publishing in China can definitely be a challenge. But how big does this challenge become if your main goal is to develop games for an Arabic market? In this new China Paradigm podcast interview, we learn about Vincent Ghossoub’s journey on his quest to hire Chinese talent for building the best gaming experience in the Middle East.

MatthieuDavid采访了Falafel Games的联合创始人兼首席执行官Vincent Ghossou。在中国建立一家从事游戏开发和游戏发行的公司绝对是一个挑战, 但是,如果将主要目标变成为阿拉伯市场开发游戏,那么挑战将变得有多大? 在本次新一期的商业播客中,我们了解到Vincent Ghossoub 寻求雇用中国人才以建立中东最佳游戏体验的旅程。

