你知道 sorry 除了表示歉意,
今天我们就来聊聊怎么把 sorry 一词多用!
喜马拉雅随机推荐的一个英语节目 不知不觉居然听了两三个月了 哈哈 超喜欢jenny的声音。另外当时重新听英语的原因是最近在学德语 担心英语全丢了 没想到喜欢上了
寞寞开始 回复 @Derfuch: 节目很棒 我喜欢
sorry about that. sorry for inconvenience. I'm sorry to hear that.对别人不幸的遭遇表达一种同理心 pity self-pity自我怜悯 chest out and chin up昂首挺胸 I'm sorry to say you don't get this job.很遗憾你没有获得这份工作 sorry not sorry过自己的生活不必在意其他
It seems Adam was not in good mood.
Jenny’s voice is very sweet(嗲). I am fond of the voice,though it's completely different from mine. By the way,when speaking,accent cannot be avoided or there is no need to make it perfect for ordinary people,and content is more important.
The_Bear 回复 @Jessie小苔花: I totally agree. As someone from the UK, I have to say I like Jenny's voice. Her English is very clear and understandable - no problems that I can hear. And I'm a native. :p
Take your broken heart and make it into art. 化心碎为艺术。
听友110237110 回复 @叮当小西: 她说的是“Apologies for the inconvenience.” 用的是名词形式,不是apologize,所以应该没有发错音。