Chapter Four
Ella is upset that Millie yelled at Olivia. 'Ella is not happy,' says Jo.
'Uh-oh,' says Peter.
'Thake my hand, Olivia,' says Zoe. Olivia scrambles out of the way.
Zoe is just like another big sister. She always looks out for Olivia. Ella looks angry. Millie looks mean. Everyone knows there will be a fight.
Ella jabs a finger at Millie. 'You should let Olivia play if she wnts to,' says Ella. 'She's too little,' says Millie. Her black plaits bounce up and down. 'No, SHE'S NOT!' Ella yells loudly.
'YES, SHE IS!' Millie yells even louder.
The crowd closes in around them. Ella and Millie come face-to-face.
Then, and even louder voice booms out over everyone. 'What is going on here, Ella?' Mr Williams looks angry.
'She started it,' says Ella, pointing at Millie. Mr. WIlliams looks at Millie. 'Is this true?' he asks. But before anyone says more, the bell rings. Ella is furious. Mr Williams is disappointed.
Although no-one notices, Millie feels frightened and alone on her first day at a new school. It doesn't seem fair, even if she has been a little mean.
Back in the classroom, Millie and Ella sit next to each other again. Ella looks straight ahead. So does Millie. Ella doesn't smile. Millie is very quiet. 'It's story time,' says Mr Williams. 'First we are going to read a story together,' he says. 'Then we are going to write stories about what we did in the holidays.' 'This is so boring!' whispers Millie underneath her breath. She folds her arms.
There are beanbags to sit on at the front of the room. Ella and Zoe share a beanbag.
Mr Williams chooses a book from the bookshelf. There are princesses, dragons and fairies on the front cover.
Millie sits on her own. She has no-one to share her beanbag with. 'One day in a land far, far away...' begins Mr Williams. 'There was a princess named...' 'I want to be a princess one day,' Ella whispers to Zoe, 'I want to ride a flying dragon,' says Zoe. 'I want to be a fairy,' whispers Millie.
'You're too mean to be a fairy,' Ella whispers. 'Don't call me mean!' cries Millie. Then, to everyone's surprise, Millie bursts into tears.
To be continued...