disciplining children (Part 1)

disciplining children (Part 1)


妙语连珠(Punch line): That's my way of disciplining children
Part 1: 
-Oh shoot! How come you slapped the kid in the face like crazy? 
-You know what? I didn't buy him the toy, but he raised the roof over it. 
-It's too careless of you to box his ears like that.
-He drove me crazy and I can't help it. 
-I think you are really out of line or you are carrying it too far. 
-Spare the rod and spoil the child.
-In your shoes, it may make sense. I can't favor your practice, so I beg to differ.

Words & Phrases
1) slap sb. in the face(box sb.'s ears) 打耳光
2) like crazy:疯狂地;拼命地;就像疯了似的;像疯子一样
3) raise the roof: to play/sing very loudly and enthusiastically ;to complain in an angry noisy way 高声喧闹;纵声欢唱;喧闹;大声诉苦[发怨言];引起风波; 大发雷霆;闹翻天
He would raise the roof over her slightest mistake or shortcoming. 她一出细微差错,他就会大发雷霆。 
4) It's too careless of you to do: 你做某事过于草率或欠考虑
5) drive sb crazy: 使某人发疯;把某人逼疯;使某人气得发疯
6) I can't help it: 我情不自禁;我没办法;我忍不住
7) carry something too far/be out of line : 过火; 走极端了
8) Spare the rod and spoil the child: 不打不成器;孩子不打不成器;玉不琢不成器
9) In your shoes: 站在你的角度思考; 站在你的立场上
10) make sense: (话等)有意义;合理;有道理;讲得通; 言之有理;使…有意义;好理解

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