

8. “My uncle?” said Aladdin. He was very surprised. “Did my father have a brother? I didn’t know that.”
“I went away before you were born, my boy, ” said the old man. “Look.” He took ten pieces of gold out of his bag, and put them into Aladdin’s hands. “Go home to your mother and give this money to her. Tell her about me, and say this: “Her husband’s brother wants to meet her, and he is going to visit her tomorrow.” ”
New words:
surprise (v.) 使……吃惊 (n.) 惊奇;诧异;惊喜
eg. Her speech(演讲) surprised everyone in the meeting.
His college(同事) gave him a surprise party that night.
surprised (adj.) 感到惊讶的 surprising (adj.) 使惊讶的
He was surprised by this surprising message.
  • 阗曌_10u

    翻译:“我叔叔?”阿拉丁说。他非常惊讶。“我父亲有兄弟吗?我不知道。” “我在你出生之前就走了,我的孩子,”老人说。“看。”他从包里拿出十块金子,放在阿拉丁手里。“回家去找你妈妈,把这钱给她。告诉她关于我的事,并这样说:“她丈夫的哥哥想见她,他明天要去看她。“

  • 阗曌_10u

    “My uncle?” said Aladdin. He was very surprised. “Did my father have a brother? I didn’t know that.” “I went away before you were born, my boy, ” said the old man. “Look.” He took ten pieces of gold out of his bag, and put them into Aladdin’s hands. “Go home to your mother and give this money to her. Tell her about me, and say this: “Her husband’s brother wants to meet her, and he is going to visit her tomorrow.” ”