


Why Americans share the pain of Kennedy tragedies
Maeve Kennedy McKean's body was recovered while her 8-year-old son, Gideon, is presumed dead after going missing Thursday night in the Chesapeake Bay. McKean and her son were isolating from coronavirus with their family and playing kickball in the yard when the ball went into the water. The pair took a canoe to retrieve it and never came back.
梅夫·肯尼迪·麦基恩(音)和她 8 岁的儿子吉迪恩(音)于周四晚(4 月 2 日)在切萨皮克湾失踪。麦基恩的遗体已被找到,而吉迪恩被被认为已经死亡。事发当日,麦基恩和她的儿子正和家人们一起因新冠病毒进行隔离。他们在后院踢球时,球落入了海水中。母子二人乘独木舟去取球,再也没有回来。
It is the latest tragedy to afflict the Kennedy family. The notion of a "Kennedy curse" dates back to 1969, when the late US Senator Ted Kennedy, drove his car off a bridge on Martha's Vineyard, killing passenger Mary Jo Kopechne along with Ted's hope for a presidential run. In the half century since, the family has lost members to drug overdoses, plane crashes, and freak accidents.
这是折磨肯尼迪家族的最新一起悲剧。“肯尼迪诅咒”这个说法始于 1969 年,已故的美国参议员泰德·肯尼迪当年驱车行驶在玛莎葡萄园岛的一座桥上时坠桥,造成同车的玛丽·乔·科贝琴(音)死亡,泰德的总统竞选也因此告吹。此后的半个世纪中,肯尼迪家族陆续有成员死于吸毒过量、飞机失事及其他不寻常的事故。
The news of yet another family Kennedy tragedy always strikes a chord. Their misfortune ignites in us a sense of compassion, one that's often missing in the context of rich and famous families, and reminds us that, despite class differences, we are all very much the same.
Their lives were far from perfect, and the irony of the imagined "Kennedy curse" has long gripped the American psyche. In life, the Kennedys embodied the American Dream — proof that hard work and love of family can bring success, even for an immigrant, but that with success can come complications, too: affairs, addictions, avarice, and, far too often, tragic death.*** They are proof that privilege doesn't shield anyone from catastrophe.
Their losses make them relatable and offer undeniable proof that terrible things can happen even to the most seemingly blessed among us; that most of us really can't have it all.

