This Little Piggy这只小猪-(含歌词)

This Little Piggy这只小猪-(含歌词)


This littlepiggy went to market; 这只小猪猪去了超市;

 This little piggy stayed home; 这只小猪猪待在家里;

 This little piggy had roast beef; 这只小猪猪吃烤牛肉;

 this little piggy had none; 这只小猪猪什么都没了;

Thispiggy  went wee wee wee, 这只小猪猪呜呜哭,

All the wayhome. 一直哭到了家里。

This  little piggy jumped up   这只小猪跳了起来

This littlepiggy sat down  这只小猪坐了下来

This littlepiggy wouldn’t take a nap, 这只小猪不肯打盹,

This littlepiggy ran around这只小猪到处跑

This littlepiggy put his nose in a book这只小猪把鼻子伸进书里

And never  made a sound 从来没有发出过声音

This littlepiggy took a bus这只小猪乘公共汽车

This littlepiggy took a train这只小猪坐火车

This littlepiggy took a  taxicab. 这只小猪坐出租车。

This littlepiggy took a airplance. 这只小猪坐了一架飞机。

This littlepiggy ,she missed the boat,这个小猪,她错过了船,

And sat theresinging in the rain.坐在那里在雨中歌唱。

This littlepiggy went to market   这只小猪去市场了

This littlepiggy stayed home.     这只小猪呆在家里。

This littlepiggy had roast beef.    这只小猪有烤牛肉。

This littlepiggy had none.       这只小猪一只也没有。

Thispiggy  went wee wee wee, 这只小猪猪呜呜哭,

All the wayhome. 一直哭到了家里。

Thispiggy  went wee wee wee, 这只小猪猪呜呜哭,

All the wayhome. 一直哭到了家里。

