

It's time for the after-school club, Sweetie.
Go to the after-school club.
Don't forget to go to the after-school club.
Get your bag ready.
Hurry up. The bus is leaving.
Mom, I don't want to go today.
You missed it yesterday, you need to go today.
Monday is art class.
I really don't want to go to art class.
Can I stop going to art class, please?
You asked for it. Let's see for a little longer.
Is the after-school club not fun?
When the after-school club is over, I'll come pick
you up.
Arrive at the after-school club 5 minutes early.
Come straight home after the after-school club.
What did you learn in the club?
Why did the after-school club end so late?
You had a long day today.
Friday is my busiest day.
  • 萧枫_ja


    途正Annie戴 回复 @萧枫_ja: if possible 请加我微信:anniekkhh, 一群人学习会走得更远。 英语是个体力活。我是杨萃先老师学员,因为方法对了,所以口语短期内就有很大进步。原来没想过自己还能开口说英语😂 thank you for trusting me.🙏💖

  • 听友291371253

  • 听友224016483


  • 听友224016483

    畸胎素的分泌增加!这么好吃呢!这么好吃呢!这么好吃呢!这么好吃呢!这么好吃到现在的心情不好时看看吧、一切为了你自己去争取和他们在一起吗删了你就好了?在一起就好了?在家了?在家了?在家了!这么好吃呢!!这么好吃呢!这么好吃呢!这么好吃到现在的心情不好时的心情很烦,这么样也不是什么好处、这样才好呀?、一个人一辈子都不敢相信了那个男人在乎的人知道 你是在为难你们是……不够吗、一个人一辈子都不想!在醢人民医院抢救后再回去!一切为了你自己去争取和、一切就都没有了?一个人一种感情生活水平;不会是啊.不想让他们出去走走,是,是的……不够格。不能不、一切就会飞过去找工作吧……不了呀……一起去吃东西没有什么不好

  • 搞笑妈咪

    Don't get distracted\ Concentrate in class