写作圣经Elements of Style研读 04 (上)

写作圣经Elements of Style研读 04 (上)





为了帮助大家提升写作能力,TD开设了「创意写作工坊」,我们将带大家通过阅读一系列的优质英文写作书籍来提升自己的写作功底。第一期的课程,我们选择了在美国的大学中流传的一本写作“圣经”——《Elements of Style》,其内容一直以来被莘莘学子与笔耕不辍者奉若圭臬。

到底是allright还是All right?Nice distinction是指“好的区别”?“He was not very often on time.”这句话写出来有问题?诸如此类我们写作中常常忽略的细节,往往会被火眼金睛的教授或招生官抓住,轻则扣分,重则影响申请 对于这些隐藏在字里行间的小陷阱,Elementsof Style罗列汇总了大量最常犯,最致命,也是最容易被忽视的内容,读罢让人掩卷深思,收益良多。想必这也是其能担得起“圣经”二字的原因吧! 



The third party must be acted by uninterested individuals. Answer:The third party must be acted by disinterested individuals.

1.The roads were almost impassable. However, we at last succeeded in reaching camp. The roads were almost impassable. At last, however, we succeeded in reaching camp.

The roads were almost impassable. However, we at last succeeded in reaching camp/ The roads were almost impassable. At last, however, we succeeded in reaching camp.

2. However discouraging the prospect, they never lost heart.

3. It was the most unique coffee maker on the market.

4. Townsend would get up early and prepare his own breakfast. If the day was cold, he filled the stove and had a warm fire burning before he left the house. On his way out to the garage, he noticed that there were footprints in the new-fallen snow on the porch.

Townsend would get up early and prepare his own breakfast. If the day was cold, he filled the stove and had a warm fire burning before he left the house. One morning in January, on his way out to the garage, he noticed footprints in the new-fallen snow on the porch.





