逻辑刷题第三天(5)——by Balloner

逻辑刷题第三天(5)——by Balloner


1.     In Warelandlast year, 16 percent of licensed drivers under 21 and 11 percent of driversages 21-24 were in serious accidents. By contrast, only 3 percent of licenseddrivers 65 and older were involved in serious accidents. These figures clearlyshow that the greater experience and developed habits of caution possessed bydrivers in the 65-and-older group make them far safer behind the wheel than theyounger drivers are. Which of the following is an assumption on which theargument depends?


(A)    Drivers 65and older do not, on average, drive very many fewer miles per year than drivers24 and younger. 

(B)    Drivers 65and older do not constitute a significantly larger percentage of licenseddrivers in Wareland than drivers ages 18-24 do. 

(C)    Drivers 65and older are less likely than are drivers 24 and younger to drive duringweather conditions that greatly increase the risk of accidents. 

(D)    The differencebetween the accident rate of drivers under 21 and of those ages 21-24 isattributable to the greater driving experience of those in the oldergroup. 

Thereis no age bracket for which the accident rate is lower than it is for licenseddrivers 65 and older.

