我的钱包丢了 I lost my wallet

我的钱包丢了 I lost my wallet


Hey, How's it going?  嗨!你好吗?

Not good. I lost my wallet. 不好,我的钱包丢啦。

Oh, that's too bad. Was it stolen?  哦,不好意思,是被偷了吗?

No, I think it came out of my pocket when I was in the taxi.  不,我想我在出租车上时,钱包从我的口袋里掉出来啦。

Is there anything I can do? 我可以帮你做点什么吗?

Can I borrow some money?  我可以借点钱吗?

Sure, how much do you need? 当然,你需要多少?

About 50 dollars. 大约50美元。

That's no problem. 没问题。

Thanks. I'll pay you back on Friday. 谢谢。我周五还你。

That'll be fine. Here you are.  那样很好,给你。

What are you going to do now?  你现在准备去干什么?

I'm going to buy some books and then I'm going to the gas station. 我准备去买点书,然后再去加油站。

If you wait a minute I can go with you. 如果你等我一下,我可以和你一起去。

OK. I'll wait for you. 好的,那我等你。

