《巴塔木故事》由英国Calm Island公司制作并发行。巴塔木故事是全新的巴塔木英语启蒙系列,由高质量的3D动画故事和可爱的2D课后单词巩固两部分组成。跳脱出枯燥的书本,充满想象力和创造力的故事内容让宝贝爱上英语。
BadaGets Ready for Bed
It’s a beautiful nigh at Bada’s house.
Bada is so sleepy.
Let’s help him get ready for bed.
It’s time to brush your teeth.
Uh-oh, Bada! Not like that!
Great job, Bada!
That’s the right way to brush your teeth.
It’s time to wash your face.
Uh-oh, Bada! Not like that!
Great job, Bada!
That’s the right way to wash your face.
It’s time to put on your pajamas.
Uh-oh, Bada! Those aren’t your pajamas.
Great job, Bada!
Those are your pajamas.
Now it’s time to find Teddy.
Where is he?
He’s not in the bedroom.
Where is Teddy?
He’s not in the bathroom.
Where is Teddy?
He’s not in the living room.
There’s Teddy!
We found Teddy in the kitchen!
Bada did a great job.
Now it’s bedtime.
Sweet dreams, Bada!
brush your teeth
wash your face
put on pajamas