Carry on

Carry on


Becoming successful is a process. You're moving from downside to the upside. But it's not an easy road. There are bumps and holes, temptations and distractions, pressure and loneliness. 走向成功,是一个过程,你从低谷走向高处。但,这并不是一条容易走的路,你会遇到坎坷,诱惑,令你分心的事,压力,孤独。While some days you'll get up completely pumped up for doing more and better, other days you'll feel just numb and void of any meaning. But those days when you don't want to act are actually the days when you have to. 有时候,你会充满动力,想要做更多的事,做得更好,但是,有时候,你也会感到麻木,空虚,觉得一切毫无意义。但是,你什么都不想做的时候,正是你必须行动起来的时候。You know, all those great people that you admire and see as examples of success, integrity, and happiness, they were not born like this. Success was not served to them as a main dish. They heard about it and they decided to go for it. They studied it and they understood the ups and downs that come along while trying to achieve it. 那些你仰慕的人,他们很出色,他们是你的榜样,他们拥有成功,正直,快乐,但他们并不是生下来就这样。成功,不是他们随随便便就拥有的。他们看到别人成功,然后决定自己也要争取成功。他们仔细研究,成功到底是怎么一回事。他们明白,要想成功,就要经历起起落落。They too woke up somedays feeling overwhelmed and not in the mood. They too had doubts and second thoughts. We all have such days. But what you do in those low days counts more than what you do in any other day. 他们也曾在早上起来时,感到压力很大,心情很差。他们也曾感到困惑,迟疑不决。我们都经历过这样的时候。但是,在这种时候,你如何去应对,是最重要的。Those moments when you want to stay in bed and binge watch Netflix, those days when it feels better to blame the bad weather, those times when you feel like it's too much for you to handle, those are defining moments in your path towards becoming successful. 你想瘫在床上疯狂刷剧的时候,你想埋怨天气不好的时候,你感觉要做的事情实在太多的时候,这些时候,才是决定你能否成功的关键时刻。It's when you're at your lowest point that you have to pick yourself up and continue, go through the discomfort, feel its pain. You'll get over it, because you are strong enough, resilient enough, and determined enough. How bad do you want it? Answer this question. And start from there. 在你经历人生低谷的时候,你必须要振奋起来,继续前行,经历所有的难受和痛苦。你会克服这一切,因为你足够坚强,足够坚韧,你的决心足够坚定。你对成功的渴望有多深?请回答这个问题,然后开始努力。The difference between you and any great leader, CEO, entrepreneur, or successful businessperson is dedication. You want something so bad that you're willing to do whatever it takes to get it. 那些伟大的领导,CEO,企业家,成功的商人,他们和你最大的不同之处,就是,他们付出了极大的努力。你如果很想拥有一个东西,那么,你就会想尽办法,付出所有努力,去得到它。You completely dedicate yourself to it. You dedicate your days and nights, every minute and every hour, every workday and every weekend, just to get closer to what you want. You shut off any external noise that tells you differently, because you are so focused on going on that road that leads you to the life you want. 你会全身心投入这件事,日日夜夜,每一分钟,每一小时,每一天,每个周末,你都会努力,让自己不断靠近梦想。外界有人和事干扰你,告诉你,你不该这样做,但是,你把这些都忽略掉了,因为,你完全专注于自己的路,让它带你走向你理想中的生活。Nothing distracts you. Nothing makes you change your mind. You are fully committed to spending time and energy on becoming a master in your field. You have a fire burning within that ignores any low feeling that some of your days might start with……
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