有声英语儿童童话故事 绿野仙踪 第一卷 第6章
Hour after hour passed away, andslowly Dorothy got over her fright; but she felt quite lonely, and the windshrieked so loudly all about her that she nearly became deaf. At first she hadwondered if she would be dashed to pieces when the house fell again; but as thehours passed and nothing terrible happened, she stopped worrying and resolvedto wait calmly and see what the future would bring. At last she crawled overthe swaying floor to her bed, and lay down upon it; and Toto followed and laydown beside her.
In spite of the swaying of thehouse and the wailing of the wind, Dorothy soon closed her eyes and fell fastasleep.
Dorothy soon closed her eyes and fell fast asleep.
STea锡兰有机茶 回复 @STea锡兰有机茶: 是的,没错
🍎🍎🍎 A Christmas greeting to cheer Bolazynes.
Bolazynes 回复 @一只大猫胖乎乎: Wish you had a great day
STea锡兰有机茶 回复 @Eva880: 嗯
Bolazynes 回复 @听友186875738: 感谢支持,欢迎常来~