My favorite holiday is Chinese New Year 'day and middle autumn day Can we all practice one word ? Let's say clothes. Does anyone know about St. Patrick's day or has anyone been to a St. Patrick's day celebration ? Do you know what a leprechaun is ? because part of Ireland's flag is green. The country likes the color green a lot. Just like people from Netherlands (Dutch) like The coloring is biodegradable. The next two days it goes away and doesn't hurt anything 4. Let's try number 4 Do we know what "third wheel" means ? 5. What is the history of most Chinese holidays ? Awesome responses everyone ! Makes me miss China... Let's go on to 6. 7. Have you ever celebrated a holiday that wasn't American or Chinese ? Carnival or carneval depends on country Let's do one more quick question .... What was your favorite holiday we talked about today ? Did anyone learn anything new ? 11/11 Ok everyone another great week of classes !!! Very enjoyable discussion about holidays ! For next week we will do trump vs Clinton on Tuesday. Does anyone have a topic they want me to make a lesson for Wednesday ...?