第19期 0224的预热(下)| 养宠物对孩子的11个好处

第19期 0224的预热(下)| 养宠物对孩子的11个好处



          11 Reasons Why Kids Should Have Pets

2.They reduce anxiety.

Kids with pets are more chill and less worried because there's always someone to comfort them when they get home. Dr. Melson found that, "kids who turned to their pets for emotional support were less anxious and withdrawn than those who didn't."


9.You’ll see improved impulse control.

Having a pet will help teach your child how to interact with other living things. Gray says that children who have an animal in their house learn to curb their impulse control because they quickly come to realize that you can't just grab an animal.


5&6.They keep kids active and away from technology.

Dogs get the kids outdoors each time they need to be walked. Gray says that even cats can make kids more active just by playing with them.

Bonus points for putting the iPad down. While so much of our kids' lives are filled with screens, interacting with their pets takes them away from that, says Gray. She feels it teaches kids to be more present.


11.They can be best friends.

There's a reason dogs are called "Man's Best Friend." The unconditional love between a child and his pet is irreplaceable.





come to do something


  • JessieWang_8w

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    左嘉达 回复 @JessieWang_8w: 谢谢Jessie同学的关注和喜爱 哈哈 学得愉快也能进步更快~