保姆与狼 | The Nurse and the Wolf

保姆与狼 | The Nurse and the Wolf


有声英语儿童童话故事 伊索寓言 保姆与狼

“Be quiet now,” said a Nurse to achild sitting on her lap. “If you make that noise again I will throw you to theWolf.”

Now it chanced that a Wolf waspassing close under the window as this was said. So he crouched down by theside of the house and waited. “I am in good luck to-day,” thought he. “It issure to cry soon, and a daintier morsel I haven’t had for many a long day.”

So he waited, and he waited, andhe waited, till at last the child began to cry, and the Wolf came forwardbefore the window, and looked up to the Nurse, wagging his tail. But all theNurse did was to shut down the window and call for help, and the dogs of thehouse came rushing out. “Ah,” said the Wolf as he galloped away,

“Enemies promises were made to be broken.”

  • SHARON88


    Bolazynes 回复 @SHARON88: 之前练口语,主要靠着练下来两首说唱哈,提升飞快。不过那之前也要有一些原始积累。分享一个自己前些年总结的经验:http://user.qzone.qq.com/494905860/blog/1368370561

  • SHARON88
