《Monday Morning》星期一早上 |《Fox all week》(小狐的一周)

《Monday Morning》星期一早上 |《Fox all week》(小狐的一周)


《Monday  Morning》

 On Monday morning Fox was up in a flash.

”Hot dog” he cried.

"Today Miss Moon's class is going on a big field trip! We'll have lots of fun!"

But when Fox looked outside, He could not believe his eyes.

It was raining cats and dogs.

"Rats!" said Fox.

"This isn't funny."

The rain came down harder.

"School won't be any fun today," said Fox.

At breakfast Fox was very quiet.

"I have a sore throat," he said.         

"But I will go to school anyway."

“Oh , no,” said Mom.

"You will go straight to bed. " 

"Ifyou say so," said Fox.

Fox got all nice and cozy.

He read his comic books.

He listened to the radio.

And he got lots of attention.

Outside it was still raining.

"I did the right thing," said Fox.

“Feeling any better?” said Mom.

“Oh , no,”said Fox. “I feel much worse.”

“Poor thing,” said Mom.

Just then Fox heard Voices.

It was Miss Moon and the class.

“We are off on our field trip!” called out Carmen.

“A little rain can’t stop us!” said Miss Moon.

“This isn’t funny,”said Fox.


