This is the bird, that climbed out of the nest and…he fell! 一只小鸟从窝里爬出来,它张开翅膀,试着飞翔,可是,掉到了地面上。
This is the squirrel that sniffed at the bird that fell. 一只松鼠从树上跳下来,闻了闻这只落地的小鸟。
This is the bee that buzzed round the bird that fell. 蜜蜂飞在小鸟周围,嗡嗡叫个不停。
This is the frog that hopped over the bird that fell. 一只青蛙从小鸟身上跃过。
This is the cat that stalked the bird and fell himself which was just as well. 一只猫偷偷地靠近小鸟,然后猛地扑过去——小鸟急忙躲开,结果,那只大猫一下子摔进了水桶里。幸好是这样,小鸟才逃过一劫。
This is the dog that opened wide and a bird that nearly walked inside. 有一只大狗在打哈欠。它的嘴张得大大的,小鸟差点就走进去了。
A baby bird that wanted to fly, up, up above, up above in the sky and thought he would have just one more try… 小鸟站在屋顶上,它想飞,想飞得很高很高。它想飞上天空,它想飞得比天空还要高——所以它决定,再试一次。