21天考研英语复试话题语料 Day 21

21天考研英语复试话题语料 Day 21

21天复试必背话题语料 Day 21
Do you have a study plan if you were accepted as a postgraduate student? (如果你被录取了,你的学习计划是什么?)
Thank you for your question. If I was accepted, I would pretty happy, because I reap what I sowed. Maybe for the first year, I will focus on my study. Financing is my long-expected major. Consequently, I will dedicate all myself into it. For the second year, with my deep learning of this field, I will devote myself to the research, helping my advisor to search for the related materials. I am going to value everyday.

21天复试必背话题语料 Day 21
Do you have a study plan if you were accepted as a postgraduate student? (如果你被录取了,你的学习计划是什么?)
Thank you for your question. If I was accepted, I would pretty happy, because I reap what I sowed. Maybe for the first year, I will focus on my study. Financing is my long-expected major. Consequently, I will dedicate all myself into it. For the second year, with my deep learning of this field, I will devote myself to the research, helping my advisor to search for the related materials. I am going to value everyday.

  • 听友191366806

    是不是if I were accepted 呀

  • 温柔的迷糊菇_ip


  • 顽皮小鳄鱼_3w

    这就结束 怎么还是感觉不够呀

    考研英语优优 回复 @顽皮小鳄鱼_3w: 这21天的就是例子,给大家提供一些答题思路。

  • 听友232093572

    thank you for your question。if I was accepted,I would pretty happy,because I reap what I sowed。firstly,。。。。。。。。I'm going to value everyday

  • 1503872givo

    老师不更了吗???请求继续更喔 希望可以学习

  • 18290609ezl

    thank you so much

  • 论一个演员的自我修养


  • Z她说

    开头是不是would be pretty happy. 有个be动词捏

  • 你的憨憨Y


  • 星子_si
