


选自经济学人的材料发在了我的BUZ专辑,挑选其中较为简单的第一部分发在“每日一文”,为的是让更多的听众了解 Coronavirus,记住这场灾难的起源,不忘它给人类的警示。


Corona virus 1


Leaders    来源于21日刊《社论》版块

How bad will it get?  情况会糟糕到何种境地?

The coronavirus is likely to become apandemic. That need not be as catastrophic as it sounds



Two things explain why a new infectiousdisease is so alarming. One is that, at first, it spreads exponentially. As tensof cases become hundreds and hundreds become thousands, the mathematics runaway with you, conjuring speculation about a health-care collapse, social andeconomic upheaval and a deadly pandemic. The other is profound uncertainty.Sparse data and conflicting reports mean that scientists cannot rule out theworst case—and that lets bad information thrive.



So it is with a new coronavirus, known as2019-ncov, which has struck in China. The number of reported cases grew from282 on January 20th to almost 7,800 just nine days later. In that time fourreported cases outside mainland China have multiplied to 105 in 19 territories.Doubt clouds fundamental properties of the disease, including how it is passedon and what share of infected people die. Amid the uncertainty, a simulation ofa coronavirus outbreak by Johns Hopkins University in October, in which 65mpeople lost their lives, was put about as a prediction. It is not.



Those are the right questions, though: willthe new virus become a global disease? And how deadly will it be? A definiteanswer is weeks or months away, but public-health authorities have to plantoday. The best guess is that the disease has taken hold in China and there isa high risk that it spreads around the world—it may even become a recurrentseasonal infection. It may turn out to be no more lethal than seasonalinfluenza, but that would still count as serious. In the short term that wouldhit the world economy and, depending on how the outbreak is handled, it couldalso have political effects in China.


