140. 抗疫读英文---比尔盖茨演讲 6

140. 抗疫读英文---比尔盖茨演讲 6

(关注公众号 苏小志在路上 获取原版视频及文本资料。)
So next time, we might not be so lucky. You can have a virus where people feel well enough while they're infectious that they get on a plane or they go to a market. The source of the virus could be a natural epidemic like Ebola, or it could be bioterrorism. So there are things that would literally make things a thousand times worse.

所以下一次我们可能不会这么幸运了。 有的病毒可能让你毫无察觉, 但当感染病毒的人乘飞机或者去逛商场, 他们其实已经具有一定的传染力了。 此外病毒的来源可以是 天然的,像埃博拉病毒, 或是由生物恐怖攻击产生的。 所以可以让疫情惨上千倍的 病毒是存在的。

In fact, let's look at a model of a virus spread through the air, like the Spanish Flu back in 1918. So here's what would happen: It would spread throughout the world very, very quickly. And you can see over 30 million people died from that epidemic. So this is a serious problem. We should be concerned.

事实上,让我们来看看一个病毒 由空气传染的模型, 像1918年的西班牙流感。 疫情有可能像这样发展: 病毒会以很快的速度向全世界蔓延。 你可以看到全球有三千万人 死于这个疾病。 这就是个很严重的问题。 我们绝不应该忽视。
